Social Media: Friend or Foe?

Social Media: Friend or Foe?

How many likes on my profile picture? How many views I have on my story? And a lot more!

These are the main worries in today’s world including Parents also.

Social Media is the most evolving platform nowadays!

Kids are using it for communicating, expressing ourselves, and sharing the content of all kinds.

I have a kid of 4 Years, he watches Rhymes on YouTube but the more shocking thing is he knows how to use youTube, how to use Voice accent in YouTube.

He knows Netflix, Amazon Prime, and a lot more.

So, my important view is kids are so smart these days, they know where to get rhymes, songs, or Stories, Similarly, Teens are on Facebook all the time, they are posting pictures on their Social media and then checked the status of their posts.

Altogether, everything is around Social Media.

Social Media is a new cultural Paragon for emerging Business & Technology.

But Like everything, it is also a Doubtful Advantage!

It has both Pros & Cons.

Let’s talk about some Advantages & Disadvantages of Social Media:

Pros (Advantages):

Learning through Digital Medium:
This is a Digital Era, where everything is happening digitally, so your kids can learn a lot of new ideas, skills online (if used in a good direction) They can also participate in society and learn the social skills of the current generation. The different links on Social Media help kids to complete their many tasks.

Build Connections:
It definitely helps in building a new connection with Family & Friends and helps in exchanging ideas.  It is not used for making a connection, but kids have found another way to express themselves, they are doing group studies & sharing learning materials online

Enhance Creativity:
It definitely enhances new ideas & Creativity by going through different sites & links. They can share their mood on social media in terms of story, pictures & Videos. It also helps kids to boost their confidence by talking to different people and getting more ideas about their culture, food, and lot more. It also helps parents to get more ideas about school projects & performances.

Exploring Environment:
Kids can explore various topics and get more useful information on Social Media; they can do group discussions on different topics & Current Affairs. Young Teen got influenced by the community on Social Media Groups and helps to bring positive changes like Fundraising, Plastic Pollutions, Cruelty on Animals and etc


Cons (Disadvantages):

Poor Eyesight:
Screen time has increased a lot today in kids which has a negative effect on eyesight. 
Eye weakness, like dry eyes, eye rubbing, and a lot more. Toddlers are continuously watching rhymes or songs on Mobile, Tablet, TV, or Laptops, which is affecting their eyes.

Lack of Sound Sleep/Concentration:
Not only kids but adults also have a strange habit of checking their phones again & again for Newsfeed, Texting, Trolling, sharing, etc. This is affecting their sleep pattern, it is wasting a lot of energy & time of these young blood. Instead, they should use this time & energy in some good direction.

Less Family Time:
Everybody whether parents or kids everybody is so much into Mobiles & Social Media these days that the breakfast & Dinner time is also taken away by Social Media. They are having food and simultaneously scrolling the news feed on Instagram or Facebook. In the end, they are living for their perfect Instagram/Facebook Picture, while they miss the real family gathering or any vacations.

Cyber Bullying:
This is the biggest disadvantage of Social Media in Teens. 
It is very dangerous and had a very negative effect on Mental Health which led to Suicide. Direct messages or stalking is very easy on Social Platforms.

Wastage of time:
It is definitely wastage of time when using aggressively. Limited use will definitely save your time and give you more free time to utilize. Checking feeds all time, clicking so many pictures at 1 time and many more strange things, all these are wasting time.

Offensive content:
Violent & bad content is easily available on Social media which impacts a lot on young minds. This is affecting their mental state of Mind, later it will disturb their education & relationship.

Self-Obsession/Selfie Obsession:
This is a very common thing to hear while talking about social media. Clicking pictures every single second and then choosing the best photo out of these leads to the self-Obsession. A lot of people risked their lives for the selfies. Kids /Teens started living under the notion that their life revolves around them only. This is affecting the Mental & Emotional Health of kids.

Fearing of Missing out is the biggest drawback of Social media. Kids don’t want to miss out on anything, so they keep on checking their phones/Laptops for the latest feeds. FOMO leads to Depression, feeling of Left out, and anxiety. Social media should be used moderately for Trends. Our Little one wants Hugs, Kisses, and quality time not texts & Comments. We can have family time by watching movies, Going out, Gaming Nights and Etc.              

Excess of Everything is bad!
The same is the case here 😊


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Loads of love for Kids!