
Safe Holi in Covid

Are you ready for Quarantine Holi?

As you know the Holi is around the corner, everybody must be excited for this colourful festive However this year everything is being cancelled by this COVID outbreak. I am also very disappointed as you are. Nevertheless, it is very important to explain our little ones the significance & the reason behind this colourful festival.

Holi is the most celebrated and very colourful festival of India, where everybody plays with natural and organic scented colours and throws water on each other. It is celebrated with the onset of spring season on last full moon day in February or starting in March.

But we can still celebrate this Festival with our kids in our own fun way. We can make crafts with kids to make them understand and they will enjoy in their own ways.

Painted Holi Craft/T-Shirts:

we can make them paint their own Holi T shirts or we can just make a cut-outs of any random picture and tell them to fill it with mixed colours.

Holi Project for Kids:

I know it’s very messy activity but also very fun filled. Any kid can do this easily with minimum supplies!
Holi Cards: we can make them busy by making a Holi card with Multicolours.

Straw Painting:

They can be involved in this fun activity, where they will only use straw, Sheet and watercolours. Holi sheets: We can simply use the sheets and give them to colour.

Story Reading:

We can read stories and tell them why do we celebrate holi. this will connect them to their culture and roots. Books Like.

Some basic tips for Kids:

  • Use Eco-friendly natural colours.
  • Fully covered clothes with Sunglasses.
  • Avoid playing with Water Balloons, instead play with Pichkaaris.
  • Use Petroleum Jelly or oil before going out.
  • DO not throw holi colours on animals & plants.
  • MOST Important: Wash your hands properly, use sanitisers and try to make some distance. Don’t forget to wear your face mask.☺
    Do not leave your kid unattended.

Hope kids will enjoy these activities and fall in love with this colourful festival!
Wish you all a very Happy & Safe Holi!

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Loads of love to Kids!