It’s Lovely When You Smile…

It’s Lovely When You Smile…

It’s Lovely When You Smile…

I will never be able to forget 2020 like any one of you. Not only because of the virus but I had the challenge of keeping my 4-year-old daughter engaged. I think this was the biggest concern for all of us “की हम अपने बच्चो को कैसे संभालेंगे ?? ” Online classes were a NEW NORMAL for us but not for our children they couldn’t accept it as normal. Eventually, it made me realize that happiness lies in small things

…well I want to share one such experience with you all…..

I had attended a storytelling session with Meera (my 4 yrs old daughter). The storyteller started narrating a story about the bond that a baby kangaroo shares with his mother. ऐसा होता है ना जब कुछ ऐसे दिन आते हैं जब हमारे बच्चे अच्छा नहीं फील कर रहे होते या फिर बहोत लौ फील करते हैं especially during this pandemic and because of such a small age they are not able to express themselves as they don’t know what’s happening to them.

This book acted as a key to cheer up my daughter whenever she feels low as I bought it after the session. You know during that session I could see Meera looking at me and giving me a sweet smile I must say our children can relate to even animals…It was a beautiful moment for me and surprisingly the minute that story ended Meera got up and gave me a tight hug.

Well I would recommend all of you to read “ It’s lovely when you smile “ to your children and make
memories that you can cherish forever.

Buy “ It’s lovely when you smile “ below

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Loads of love to Kids!