4 Poems For Class 1 - Water A Precious Resource - Poem

4 Poems For Class 1 – Water A Precious Resource – Poem

Water A Precious Resource – Poem in English

Water is necessary for life, and it is a valuable resource that we must learn to protect and utilise responsibly. Without water, there would be no life and the planet would be desolate. It is critical that we grasp the significance of water and how it is used in our everyday lives.

“Water, a Valuable Resource” is a simple yet effective technique to teach young children about the importance of water and its role in our lives. This poem teaches youngsters about the various uses of water, from drinking to cooking, cleaning, and growing food.

The poem underlines the necessity of water conservation and responsible water use. It encourages youngsters to think about how they may save and utilise water responsibly. By establishing these principles in early childhood, we may raise a generation that understands the worth of water and its role in the survival of life on Earth.

The poem also emphasises the significance of water to plants and animals. It educates youngsters that water is essential for all living things, not just people. It encourages children to consider the influence of water on the natural world and our responsibility in protecting it for future generations.

The poem “Water, a Valuable Resource” is a useful tool for teaching young children about the significance of water conservation due to its simple language and familiar topics. It underlines the need of using water responsibly and taking action to protect this valuable resource for future generations.

Finally, water is a valuable resource that we must learn to protect and utilise responsibly. The poem “Water, a Valuable Resource” is an excellent approach for young children to learn about the importance of water and its role in our lives. By establishing these principles in children at an early age, we may raise a generation that understands the significance of water and is dedicated to its preservation.

1. Water A Precious Resource – Poem for Grade 1

Water is so precious,
It’s something we all know,
Without it, we couldn’t live,
It makes the flowers grow.

Water comes from the sky,
As raindrops big and small,
It fills up rivers, lakes, and streams,
And helps plants grow tall.

We need to save our water,
And use it carefully each day,
So we’ll always have enough,
To wash and cook and play.

Water is so precious,
Let’s never waste a drop,
We’ll cherish it and use it well,
From the bottom to the top.

Must Read: 4 Mindful Parenting Strategies and Techniques: Mindful Parenting Guide

2. Water A Precious Resource – Poem For Class 1

Water, water, everywhere
A precious resource, so we must take care
From the oceans to the streams
Water is essential for all our dreams

We use it to drink and cook
To clean our clothes and even the nook
Water helps plants to grow
It’s a resource we need to know

But we must not waste a drop
Let’s turn off the tap, let’s make it stop
Every drop we save today
Will help us in the future, come what may

So let’s cherish this resource, so pure and clear
Water is precious, let’s hold it dear.

3. Water A Precious Resource – Poem For Class 1

Water, water everywhere,
A precious resource we must all share.
From the rain that falls from the sky,
To the streams and rivers that flow by.

Water is what keeps us alive,
For all the plants, animals, and you and I.
It’s important to use it with care,
So that there’s enough for everyone, everywhere.

Turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth,
And take shorter showers to save beneath.
Don’t let the water run down the drain,
For every drop counts, it’s easy to maintain.

Remember, water is a gift,
Let’s all be responsible and give it a lift.
A precious resource that we cannot waste,
Let’s use it wisely with grace and haste.

4. Water A Precious Resource – Poem For Grade 1

Water, water everywhere
It’s a precious resource, we must take care
We need it to drink, to clean, and grow
Without water, our world would not flow

We use it for washing our hands and face
And to keep our bodies in a healthy place
We need it for cooking, to make our food
Water is essential, it puts us in a good mood

We need it for plants and animals too
Without water, they won’t survive and that’s true
So let’s conserve and use it with care
Water is a precious resource, let’s be aware.

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