Unseen Passage For Class 2 with Answers

Unseen Passage For Class 2 with Answers

Unseen Passage For Class 2 With Answers helps young learners, to an exciting journey through an unseen passage designed specifically for them. In this passage, we will embark on an enchanting adventure with a little girl named Maya as she discovers a magical garden filled with wonders and surprises. After reading the passage, you will have the opportunity to test your comprehension skills by answering a series of questions. So, let’s dive into the world of imagination and let the words transport us to a realm of beauty and magic!

Read the following Unseen Passage and answer the questions that follow.

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a little boy named Raju. He was very curious and loved exploring new things. One day, while playing near the river, Raju saw something shiny at the bottom. It was a small silver key. He picked it up and wondered what it could unlock.

Raju ran home excitedly and showed the key to his mother. His mother smiled and said, “Maybe it’s a magical key, Raju. Let’s find out what it unlocks!” Raju’s eyes widened with excitement.

Together, Raju and his mother searched the entire house, trying the key on every lock they could find. They tried it on the door, the cupboards, and even the old trunk in the attic. But nothing seemed to unlock with the key.

Just when Raju was starting to lose hope, his mother had an idea. She said, “Let’s go back to the river, Raju. Maybe there’s something there that needs unlocking.”

Raju and his mother hurried back to the river. As they reached the spot where Raju found the key, they saw a small wooden chest half-buried in the sand. They quickly dug it out and used the key to unlock it. Inside, they found a beautiful necklace made of shining pearls. Raju’s eyes sparkled with joy.

His mother hugged him and said, “You did it, Raju! The key unlocked something precious indeed. Remember, sometimes the greatest treasures are hidden in unexpected places.”


  1. What did Raju find near the river?
  2. What did Raju do after finding the key?
  3. Did Raju’s mother believe the key was magical?
  4. Where did Raju and his mother find the wooden chest?
  5. What did they find inside the chest?
  6. How did Raju feel when he saw the pearls?


  1. Raju found a small silver key near the river.
  2. After finding the key, Raju ran home and showed it to his mother.
  3. Yes, Raju’s mother believed the key was magical.
  4. Raju and his mother found the wooden chest near the spot where Raju found the key, half-buried in the sand.
  5. Inside the chest, they found a beautiful necklace made of shining pearls.
  6. Raju felt joyful and his eyes sparkled with joy when he saw the pearls.

Also Read: 7 Reasons Why Homophones are important for young learners – Definition, Usage and Examples


Unseen Passage – “The Busy Bee”

The bee is a small insect that is known for its hard work and diligence. Bees live in colonies and work together to collect nectar and pollen from flowers. They are always buzzing around, going from one flower to another, collecting food for themselves and their hive.

Bees have a special body part called a proboscis, which acts like a straw. They use it to suck up nectar from flowers. While collecting nectar, bees also collect pollen on their bodies. Pollen is a powdery substance that helps flowers make seeds. Bees unintentionally transfer pollen from one flower to another, which helps in the process of pollination.

Once the bees have collected enough nectar and pollen, they fly back to their hive. Inside the hive, there is a special area called the honeycomb. The bees store the nectar in the honeycomb, where it turns into honey. Honey is the food that bees eat, and they store it to use during the winter when there are no flowers to collect nectar from.

Bees are very organized and have different roles in their colony. There is a queen bee who lays eggs, worker bees who collect food and build the hive, and drone bees whose job is to mate with the queen bee. All the bees work together to keep the hive running smoothly.

Bees are important for the environment because they help in the pollination of flowers. Without bees, many plants would not be able to reproduce and grow. They play a vital role in the ecosystem and contribute to the diversity of plant life.


  1. What is the bee known for?
  2. Where do bees live?
  3. What is the purpose of a bee’s proboscis?
  4. What is pollen?
  5. How do bees help in pollination?
  6. Where do bees store the nectar they collect?
  7. Why is honey important to bees?
  8. What are the different roles in a bee colony?
  9. Why are bees important for the environment?
  10. Name one thing bees help in the environment.


  1. The bee is known for its hard work and diligence.
  2. Bees live in colonies.
  3. The purpose of a bee’s proboscis is to suck up nectar from flowers.
  4. Pollen is a powdery substance that helps flowers make seeds.
  5. Bees help in pollination by transferring pollen from one flower to another.
  6. Bees store the nectar they collect in the honeycomb.
  7. Honey is important to bees because it is their food source during the winter.
  8. The different roles in a bee colony are queen bee, worker bees, and drone bees.
  9. Bees are important for the environment because they help in the pollination of flowers, allowing plants to reproduce and grow.
  10. Bees help in the diversity of plant life.


Unseen Passage: The Zoo Visit

Once upon a time, a group of children from Class 2 went on a school trip to the zoo. They were excited to see all the different animals and couldn’t wait to explore the zoo.

As soon as they entered the zoo, the children saw a big sign that said, “Welcome to the Zoo!” They followed their teacher and entered through the gates. The first animal they came across was a tall and graceful giraffe. Its long neck stretched up to the trees as it munched on leaves. The children were amazed by the giraffe’s size and how it moved so gracefully.

Next, they walked towards the monkey enclosure. They saw a whole bunch of monkeys swinging from branch to branch and chattering loudly. Some of the monkeys even tried to grab the children’s attention by showing off their acrobatic skills. The children giggled and clapped their hands, thoroughly enjoying the monkey’s playful antics.

As they moved further, they spotted a section dedicated to the big cats. The children eagerly looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of a lion. Unfortunately, the lions were taking a nap in their cozy dens, hidden from sight. But they did get to see a majestic tiger, with its beautiful orange and black stripes. The children watched in awe as the tiger prowled around its enclosure, exuding strength and grace.

Apart from the giraffe, monkeys, and tiger, the children saw many more animals at the zoo. They saw colorful parrots squawking and flying from branch to branch. They saw elephants splashing water with their trunks and playfully spraying each other. They even saw a mischievous group of penguins waddling and sliding on the ice.

At the end of their zoo visit, the children were tired but incredibly happy. They had seen so many different animals and learned many interesting facts about them. Some children even said that they wanted to become zookeepers when they grow up so that they could take care of these amazing creatures.


  1. Where did the children go?
  2. What did they see at the zoo?
  3. Did they see any lions?
  4. What animals did they see at the zoo?
  5. How did the children feel about their zoo visit?


  1. The children went to the zoo.
  2. They saw a giraffe, monkeys, a tiger, parrots, elephants, penguins, and many more animals at the zoo.
  3. No, they didn’t see any lions as the lions were taking a nap in their dens.
  4. They saw a giraffe, monkeys, a tiger, parrots, elephants, penguins, and many more animals at the zoo.
  5. The children felt excited, amazed, happy, and tired but incredibly happy about their zoo visit. Some children even expressed their desire to become zookeepers in the future.


Unseen Passage: The Magical Garden

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a little girl named Maya. Maya loved exploring nature and had a special fondness for flowers. She would spend hours in her grandmother’s garden, watching colorful petals dance in the gentle breeze.

One sunny morning, Maya discovered something extraordinary in the garden. As she walked towards her favorite rose bush, she noticed a tiny, sparkly door nestled between the leaves. Curiosity filled her heart as she gently opened the door. To her amazement, she found herself stepping into a magical garden.

The garden was unlike anything Maya had ever seen before. Flowers of all shapes and sizes bloomed in vibrant hues. There were talking birds, mischievous squirrels, and even a wise old owl perched on a branch. Everything in the garden seemed alive and full of joy.

Maya wandered around, marveling at the beauty surrounding her. She came across a group of friendly butterflies that fluttered around her, as if inviting her to play. They guided her to a pond filled with shimmering blue water. Maya bent down to take a closer look and was amazed to see tiny fish swimming gracefully beneath the surface.

As she continued her exploration, Maya discovered a special tree. Its branches were laden with delicious fruits of every kind. There were juicy apples, sweet mangoes, and even mouth-watering grapes. Maya couldn’t resist plucking a few fruits and savored their taste with delight.

Further into the garden, Maya stumbled upon a peculiar statue. It was a statue of a fairy, adorned with colorful flowers and a mischievous smile. To her surprise, the statue suddenly came to life. The fairy introduced herself as Ruby and revealed that she was the guardian of the magical garden.

Ruby shared that the garden was a place of happiness and wonder, where nature and magic intertwined. Maya was enchanted by the stories Ruby told, and the two became fast friends. Maya promised to keep the secret of the magical garden and visit whenever she could.

With a heavy heart, Maya bid farewell to the magical garden and stepped back through the tiny door, returning to her grandmother’s garden. As she closed the door behind her, she couldn’t help but smile, knowing that she had experienced something truly extraordinary.


  1. What did Maya love to do in her grandmother’s garden?
  2.  What did Maya find in the garden one sunny morning?
  3. Describe the magical garden.
  4. What did Maya find near the pond?
  5. What did Maya pluck from the special tree?
  6. Who did Maya meet in the magical garden?
  7. What did Maya promise to do regarding the magical garden?
  8. How did Maya feel as she closed the door of the magical garden?


  1. Maya loved exploring nature and had a special fondness for flowers in her grandmother’s garden.
  2. Maya discovered a tiny, sparkly door nestled between the leaves of her favorite rose bush.
  3. The magical garden was filled with flowers of all shapes and sizes blooming in vibrant hues. There were talking birds, mischievous squirrels, and even a wise old owl perched on a branch. Everything in the garden seemed alive and full of joy.
  4. Near the pond, Maya found tiny fish swimming gracefully beneath the shimmering blue water.
  5. Maya plucked delicious fruits from the special tree, including juicy apples, sweet mangoes, and mouth-watering grapes.
  6. Maya met a fairy named Ruby, who introduced herself as the guardian of the magical garden.
  7. Maya promised to keep the secret of the magical garden and visit whenever she could.
  8. Maya felt a smile on her face, knowing that she had experienced something truly extraordinary.


Hope these Unseen Passages help you, please do share your comments so that we can bring more Unseen Passages for practice. In conclusion, unseen passage practice is an invaluable tool for teaching kids English. It helps them develop their reading comprehension, vocabulary, critical thinking, and independent learning skills. It also enhances their overall language proficiency, enabling them to communicate effectively and succeed academically. Therefore, incorporating unseen passages into the English curriculum for young learners is essential for their holistic development and growth as competent English speakers and readers.